263 Art Studio Tour

The process of creating art never feels complete until someone sees it.  This weekend is your chance to complete the work of the artists participating in this year’s 263 Art Studio Tour at various sites around Christopher and Emma Lakes.

Garden Bouquet July2015
My latest simple garden bouquet brings a smile every time I see it.  I hope my watercolours do the same for you.

263 Art Studio Pieces

I have several new watercolour pieces using my batik-like process.  They are framed, labelled and ready to show. All of these were done on Ginwashi paper but as you can see, some are framed behind glass and others I have mounted on canvas for a different look.  I’m curious to hear which way you prefer.

263ArtTour_2015 Poster.jpg

I will be at Site #7 along with Donna Cessna and Jeannette Lussier!

A map can be found here.

I hope to see you there!


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