Visits my Studio comes for a Studio Visit

In August, Corinne and Gary of ArtsQuest came for a studio visit. As it says on their website they are “traveling Canada, building the premier online Canadian arts marketplace.”  I am honoured that they chose to visit me. The were obviously curious about my watercolour batik process and interested in my life as an artist. I look forward to connecting with Corinne and Gary again soon. Here they are with their trusted van “Arty”.


For now they are posting interviews of artists they meet on their travels. I am not fond of looking at video of me – or of listening to myself talk.  Corinne & Gary did a great job putting this together though so I do hope you will have a look.  Here is a link to mine: While you are there check out some of the other interesting people they have met along the way!


ArtsQuest Interview about my watercolour batik process


Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Look what I found in the paper! Elevator Stop is one of my pieces featured on the guest artist wall at Handmade House until the end of September 2016.


Handmade House can be found at 702 Broadway Avenue Saskatoon, SK.

Humboldt & District Museum and Gallery is hosting a members’ show. Several artists from Saskatoon, including myself are participating in it.  I haven’t been yet but I from the pictures it looks like a great show!  You can check it out until November 5, 2016.

Thanks for reading!



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