Category Archives: Watercolour

BIG EXCITING NEWS!! My Discover Watercolour Batik online video class is ready

Discover Watercolour Batik!
Learn to create your own richly textured watercolour batiks. It is all about the wax! No watercolour skills required.

For a limited time only use coupon code
BatikLaunch25 for 25% off
(offer expires Dec 31, 2018)


40 videos for you to access anytime anywhere

Join me on an exciting journey where you will learn how to use wax and watercolour to create beautifully textured watercolour batiks.

Watercolour Batik is all about the wax. The way you apply it onto the Ginwashi paper is what will bring your watercolour batik to life. The watercolour is secondary, and no watercolour painting skills are required.


First we will look at the supplies you need to begin your journey!


Then we will play with mark making
…with the wax!


Batik is also about layering so we need to know what will happen when we place one colour on top of another. Here you will find some exercises to help you understand your colours.


Then it will be time to put the wax and watercolour together to create one of a kind pieces that will be perfect to use as cards.


And finally we will put it all together to create a more complex finished piece!


For a limited time only use coupon code
BatikLaunch25 for 25% off
(offer expires Dec 31, 2018)


I’m excited to share your journey!
Join our Facebook page@Watercolour Batik Artists
Instagram use Hashtag: #discoverwatercolourbatik


©Paige Mortensen 36 x 12″ Watercolour Batik


I am excited to share your experiences as you
discover how watercolour batik really is all about the wax!

October brings a group show at Hues, a show at Brainsport and more

First, Thank-you. For reading my messages, for coming to my events, for purchasing my art and  for being so supportive. I appreciate all of you!

Moose Jaw Pedestrian Bridge

Moose Jaw Pedestrian Bridge 18 x 36″ Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen $850

Artists’ Workshop Exhibition at Hues Art Supply

The Artists’ Workshop Group that I am part of is having a group show at Hues Art Supply – 1818 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon. It will be up for the month of October.

Stop by anytime the store is open and/or come to the reception:

Hues Art Supply – 1818 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon

Saturday, October 13th from 2 – 4 pm

It would be great to see you there!


Brainsport – 616 – 10th Street E., Saskatoon, SK 
Did you know they have a gallery in the lobby?

They do, and work from my Stories Inside Series will be there from

October 3 – 31, 2018!


Stories Inside Series ©Paige Mortensen – each is 24 x 18″

Please stop by and have a look! 

Brainsport is a great community supporter so stop in and support them too!

Watch for another big announcement coming to your email soon!


“Looking Back, Looking Out, Looking In” – at the Humboldt Art Gallery this summer!

Looking Back, Looking Out, Looking In 
Paige Mortensen and Jess Richter
July 3 – August 31, 2018
Humboldt Art Gallery – 601 Main Street, Humboldt SK
Opening Reception Thursday, July 5 at 7 p.m

WOW! Between life and art there is never a dull moment! I am excited to share the details about my summer show Looking Back, Looking Out, Looking In at the Humboldt Art Gallery! The show will be up from July 3 – August 31, 2018. You are invited to our opening reception on Thursday, July 5 at 7 p.m..

PaigeMortensen-Dotting the Prairie 4

Dotting the Prairie 4 18 x 36″ Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen

Looking In

My focus on architecture came about after a trip to Europe where I was fascinated by all the doors. These may have been ordinary doors and windows for those who live there, however I was looking in with all sorts of questions. Who built this? How did they do it? Who lived here originally (now)? What were/are their lives like? 

Looking Out

Back in Saskatchewan we seem to do a lot of driving and I was now looking out. What I see is elevators, homesteads, barns and granaries built by the settlers and reminding us of the past. This prairie architecture takes me inward to thoughts of ancestors who came to this country, to  those who lived here long before that and to how different life looks depending on which side of the window you are on. 


Patched 24 x 18″ Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen

Looking Back

I am excited to be sharing the gallery with Jess Richter whose intricate paper cut sculptural works are looking back at the tumultuous histories of immigrant populations in mid-twentieth century Saskatchewan, specifically her German grandparents.  Using wintery fairy tale imagery and German folk influences, she explores displaced womens’ processes of rebuilding shattered lives and homes in an unfamiliar and often unwelcoming country. 


Paige Mortensen - Going, Going, Gone

Going, Going, Gone 24 x 36″ Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen

Construction Zone

Construction Zone


Speaking of architecture – we are in the midst of having our roof replaced, and skylights removed so now back to the construction zone.

So, I hope to see you in Humboldt on July 5th – or that you can plan a trip that way sometime over the summer!

In the meantime, enjoy the season!



Summer Fun – Water & Watercolour

There are so many wonderful things about summer – and this summer water is one of them! While watercolour is my favourite art medium, I have been taking some time out to just enjoy water in many forms.

It is pouring out today but we went so long with no rain this year that it is wonderful to hear and see.  We have a skylight in the living room and the sound as I sit here reminds me of camping and the sound of rain on the tent trailer roof. Wonderful, if wet, memories!

These beautiful swirls of colour in the swimming pool fascinated me.  Combined with the sounds of my grandchildren’s swimming lessons they created another wonderful memory!

And then there was a wonderful early morning walk by the water in southern Saskatchewan.
So calm and peaceful!

Saskatchewan Craft Council Members’ Show & Sale


Stories Inside XIX 12×18″ $350

This week I am excited about the reception for the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s 40th Anniversary Members’ Show & Sale.  I am one of about 60 artists with pieces in the show.  There is no water in these ones but they are watercolours!


Stories Inside XVII 24×36″ $1,100






I hope to see you there!






I hope you too can take a moment to enjoy water this summer!
Thanks for reading,



Delivering Watercolours for Members’ Show & Sale

Today was delivery day!  I dropped off my two watercolour pieces at the Affinity Gallery on Broadway Avenue for the Saskatchewan Craft Council 40th Anniversary Members’ Show & Sale July 17 until August 29, 2015.

PaigeMortensen SCC Delivery

Paige Mortensen Stories Inside XIX 18 x 24″ $350

The show includes works by some of the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s founding members and others by emerging artists. Over 50 artists working in fibre, ceramics, photography, wood, metal, glass, and visual art  are included.

As pieces are sold, they will be replaced with new ones so remember to stop by often as the show will be changing over the seven weeks.

I am very excited that my watercolours will be a part of this and I plan to be there to see all the amazing works on Friday, July 17th!

PaigeMortensen-StoriesInsideSeriesXVII Watercolour Batik 24 x 36" $1,100

Paige Mortensen Stories Inside XVII Watercolour Batik 24 x 36″ $1,100

I will also be at the reception on August 7th.  I hope to see you there!


Thanks for your support!




Northern Saskatchewan Fires

Raging forest fires are burning in northern Saskatchewan and at last report about 13,000 people have been evacuated. They have had to leave their homes and the relative quiet of northern living and come to big cities where many of them are living in gymnasiums full of people. Those that have stayed are fighting fires that are dangerously close to the communities. I wish them courage, strength and a safe return to their homes.

We have a cabin about an hour’s drive from the major fires but we didn’t go this weekend because even here in Saskatoon the smoke was thick enough to keep us from doing anything outside. I feel very thankful to have the choice and to be safely here in my own home.

An extra weekend at home meant more time in my studio!  The fireplace is only used as a display case for pieces I have recently finished.  This is what is there today:
Fireplace Display 07-05-2015

Daisies are one of the simple little things in life that make me smile and bring happy thoughts.  They are blooming beautifully right now and some were sitting on my table.  They just had to turn into paintings too.


In the midst of the trauma of fires and being forced from their homes I hope the evacuees can find some simple things that bring a smile to their faces too.

Wishing everyone a safe return home!


Remembering the Mendel in Watercolour

PaigeMortensen Mendel Farewell F-402-15

Mendel Farewell, Paige Mortensen 12×36″ Watercolour $625








As I usually do, I ended my last visit to the Mendel Art Gallery with a stop in the Civic Conservatory to enjoy the flowers.  This was just days before the Gallery closed to prepare for the opening of the Remai Modern in 2016. The Civic Conservatory will remain open as the rest of the building transitions into a Children’s Discovery Museum but for the moment I was looking for something to remind me of all the times I wandered the Mendel galleries.  These were the flowers that drew me in. I took some pictures, came home and made my own watercolour batik memories.

A couple of weeks later the Mendel Art Appreciation Group had its last gathering, a tour of Doug Bentham’s studio south of Sasaktoon.  It was a beautiful day and as with most studio tours I really enjoyed hearing Doug’s stories as he talked to us about his sculptures.
