Dimensions 2015

By the Canal Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper 12 x 18"

By the Canal
Paige Mortensen
Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper
12 x 18″













As we wandered the narrow streets of Venice, away from the noisy, crowded tourist areas we found this tiny, peaceful spot.   In a city of water, bridges and stone, this felt like a place to pause and enjoy the moment.

The architectural qualities of the old stone and brick are ideal for the watercolour batik process. Working on Ginwashi paper, I alternate layers of wax and watercolour working from the light to dark building the subject as I go. The textures of the finished piece are revealed in the final step when the wax is ironed off.

I am honoured my watercolour batik piece (“By the Canal“) was selected to tour with this amazing collection of Saskatchewan handcrafted works! This Friday (June 19th at 7 pm) is the Gala Reception and Fine Craft Awards ceremony for Dimensions 2015 at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, in Regina, SK.

Dimensions Invitation full page

Dimensions 2015 will be on tour as follows:

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