Exploring Edmonton Galleries

Two schedule-free days in Edmonton – gallery tour time!  My first stop was the Galleries on 124th.  Imagine, 9 galleries within two blocks of each other!











Here are a few of the highlights of my day:

Luke Airut - Bearclaw GalleryIn the Bearclaw Gallery there was this amazing whalebone carving by Luke Airut – and this is the back!  You can see the front on the Bearclaw Gallery website.

Tanya Kirouac - Bugera Matheson GalleryThis is an encaustic painting by Tanya Kirouac that was in the Bugera Matheson Art Gallery.  It was so energetic and alive!  I am very curious about the three clock faces embedded in the painting.

Ernestine Tahedl - Bugera Matheson
Also in the Bugera Matheson Art Gallery was this amazing pond by Ernestine Tahedl. I got lost in the painting just like I do sitting by a real pond.  Beautiful!

CrystalDreidger - daffodil gallery
This isn’t the best picture but I enjoyed this wood carving by Crystal Driedger in the Daffodil Gallery.

Spray Pool at Edmonton City Hall
It was a beautiful day so I walked down to the Art Gallery of Alberta which is right across the street from this refreshing pool!

I really enjoyed the display called Charrette Roulette: Language which looks at “publication as an art practise”.  The video installation presented an interesting perspective into books and compares the old art to the new art of publications.

Other displays included The Double Bind: Conversations Between Modernism and Postmodernism, an interactive display on perspective, and a display of Italian Baroque Art which brought back memories of our trip to Italy last fall.

Being in tourist mode I had to take a reflection selfie on the upper deck before leaving!
Selfie at AGA

Thanks for sharing my Edmonton gallery tour!  I highly recommend it!


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