Northern Saskatchewan Fires

Raging forest fires are burning in northern Saskatchewan and at last report about 13,000 people have been evacuated. They have had to leave their homes and the relative quiet of northern living and come to big cities where many of them are living in gymnasiums full of people. Those that have stayed are fighting fires that are dangerously close to the communities. I wish them courage, strength and a safe return to their homes.

We have a cabin about an hour’s drive from the major fires but we didn’t go this weekend because even here in Saskatoon the smoke was thick enough to keep us from doing anything outside. I feel very thankful to have the choice and to be safely here in my own home.

An extra weekend at home meant more time in my studio!  The fireplace is only used as a display case for pieces I have recently finished.  This is what is there today:
Fireplace Display 07-05-2015

Daisies are one of the simple little things in life that make me smile and bring happy thoughts.  They are blooming beautifully right now and some were sitting on my table.  They just had to turn into paintings too.


In the midst of the trauma of fires and being forced from their homes I hope the evacuees can find some simple things that bring a smile to their faces too.

Wishing everyone a safe return home!


2 thoughts on “Northern Saskatchewan Fires

  1. Margaret Almon

    I was startled to read about the Saskatchewan wildfires! I grew up in Alberta, and don’t recall fires like this. Daisies are wonderful – there are some in my front yard.

  2. Paige Mortensen Post author

    This has been an incredibly dry year with forest fires in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Today we are finally getting some rain!


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