With Gratitude

Out of the Rain ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik
My Mom and sister live in the same neighbourhood as we do so the three of us often go for evening walks. I am grateful for these times to visit and check in with them. One day last week as we were walking along there was a sudden downpour. Fortunately there are lots of large trees so we took refuge under one thinking it would pass quickly. It wasn’t more than a minute later that a woman came running out with an umbrella for us! She invited us inside but we declined, still optimistic that this rain would stop as quickly as it started.
Well, we were wrong! The wind came up sending rivers of water down the street. We gave in and went to the door. She was so kind and welcoming! We are grateful for the umbrellas, the towels, the visit and the opportunity to meet her 2 month old baby! Her kindness made the adventure into a happy story!
With gratitude,
P.S. Remember to stop by Handmade House and have to see my show there!