Thanksgiving was on Monday but even with the short week I feel like I am getting things done. Yes, I have finished some new pieces and yet I have still been able to work on the business side of being an artist. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do both!
Last week I talked about venturing off into the unknown and just letting a piece of art evolve as it will. This was done in that way – no planning or drawing just letting it come together.

Blooming ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10×14″
We are having some incredible fall weather and as you can see the beavers are sure busy along the Saskatchewan river. I wonder if they are coming back for those last beautiful branches. What a wonderful day it was for a walk!
There was also another fun morning painting with the group of women at the assisted living facility. They sure enjoyed the bright colours of parrots!
And some time writing, organizing and getting ready to send a gallery exhibition proposal!
My sunflowers are still blooming – in the garden and the house!

Sunflower ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10×14″
There are also lots of wonderful coloured leaves that need raking. It seems like record numbers of ladybugs too.

Falling Leaves ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik
Isn’t it nice when you have a week where you are “getting things done”? I hope you have one too!