It is October 2nd already and I think I am finally into my 2015 fall routine! The end of September is birthday time – with 3 family birthdays on the same day! This year was special as we had about 50 people gather to celebrate my Mom’s birthday. On the same weekend we had a smaller party for our grandson who is now a toothless 6 year old. Fall is such a wonderful time of year to celebrate with all the wonderfully coloured leaves decorating our world. As our 2 1/2 year old grand-daughter says “It is leafing!”
There are a couple of new things on my calendar this year.
The Artists Workshop painting group invited me to join them on Mondays. This is turning out to be a wonderful place to connect with other artists, all working very differently but sharing the same passion for art. A new environment with new people brings a challenge to getting down to work and finding the rhythm of the painting. Sunflowers are blooming beautifully in my yard and are a friendly and familiar subject for me to work on. This one is finished:

Connecting ©Paige Mortensen 10×14″ Watercolour Batik
For an hour on Wednesdays I am painting with a group of seniors in an assisted living facility. This week we were on the leaf theme there too. It is going to be fun to see what they do as the year progresses!

Showing their personalities
I have had these wooden stamps from Charan Creations for a while and they came out this fall to celebrate the season. Using them to apply the wax has been fun to experiment with!
Enjoy your own connections to leaves this fall! Are you going on a leaf crunching walk?