This is my third year as part of the Artists’ Workshop group! I am honoured to be able to work with this group of amazing artists every Monday. It is time for our annual Spring Show & Sale and I hope you are able to come and see all the pieces everyone has been working on over the last year! (I know I am excited to see them finished!)

Artists’ Workshop Annual Spring Show & Sale April 13-15, 2018
Grace Westminster United Church
505 – 10th Street East Saskatoon, SK
Friday, April 13 7 – 9 pm
Saturday, April 14 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday, April 15 12 noon – 4 pm
The show is free to attend and the building is wheelchair accessible.
Bring a Friend and Enjoy the Show!
Our group includes artists working in a range of mediums including:
watercolour batik,
oil, acrylic, watercolour,
pen and ink, graphite,
and textiles!
Saturday is Slow Art Day
Saturday, April 14, 2018 is Slow Art Day making it a perfect day to come and spend some focussed time with art!
They say the average amount of time a viewer will look at a piece of art is about 8 seconds. The idea of Slow Art Day is to let go of our need to move quickly and spend some time with a few pieces. The organizers of this global event are suggesting 5 – 10 minutes with one piece of work.
When you take the time to spend with a piece you will make new discoveries. These discoveries help to unlock your own enthusiasm, creativity and appreciation for art!
Come, spend some time with the art and then lets talk about the experience!
See you there!