I am excited to share that my show, Portals, opens this Friday, May 26th, 2017 at the Mann Art Gallery in Prince Albert with a reception at 7 p.m.!
It would be great to see you there but if that doesn’t work for you the show is up until July 4th so hopefully you can stop in sometime before then.
We have been fortunate to have been to Europe a couple of times and I found myself drawn to the doors and windows. The big tourist destinations are spectacular and yet I was more interested in the architecture and homes of the ordinary people. These buildings were built centuries ago, before all the tools of today. I found myself asking questions like:
Who built this?
Who lived here then?
What were their lives like?
Who lives here now?

Stories Inside XII ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 18×24″
I came home with a mass of reference material and this series began. The series was originally called Stories Inside because of all the questions I had about the stories of the people who built and lived behind these doors.

Stories Inside IV ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 15×15″
Lately we seem to be doing a lot of driving and I have been paying more attention to some of our own prairie architecture. The grain elevators and barns could not have been easy to build without today’s equipment either. So my work has been moving closer to home. And I ask the same questions about my more recent ancestors.

©Paige Mortensen – Memories of Grandpa … Gull Lake Elevator
All of these are Portals. Doors and windows that remind us to be curious and hopefully connect us to different times and places.
Black Spruce Gallery
I’d also like to invite you to drive about 1/2 hour north of Prince Albert to Northside where you will find Black Spruce Gallery and more of my watercolour batiks. It shares a building with an antiques store so you are bound to find all sorts of interesting treasures. I was just there and the gallery looks fantastic!

Humble Greeting ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 12×18″
I hope you can include some art in your early summer plans!