Tag Archives: Watercolour Batik

Showtime Excitement!

This has been a very exciting month for me!  On February 2nd Paul and Lana at Hues Art Supply did a fantastic job of hanging my work for the show that will be up there all month.  Thanks!

Hues Show Feb 2015PaigeMortensen_HuesShowb_Feb_2015PaigeMortensen_HuesShowc_Feb_2015PaigeMortensen_HuesShowd_Feb_2015

Saturday, February 7th was the show reception.  I am honoured by the number of people who came to show their support, learn about my process and look at my art.  Thank-you everyone for being there!

Paige Mortensen Hues Show 2015

There just wasn’t enough time to spend with all the people who came but I really enjoyed the support of family, short visits with old friends, meeting new people, sharing my watercolour batik process and learning from others about their experiences with batik.

If you didn’t make it to the reception please stop in at Hues sometime in February and have a look. (It is on the corner of Taylor St and Lorne Ave here in Saskatoon)

Thanks for being interested!


