Back to School

September is always a time of changes.  It has been many years since there was back to school excitement at our house but yesterday was our grandson’s first day of kindergarten! With a backpack like this how could he not be excited?
SchoolBackpack.jpgI too have changes this week.  August 30th was the last day of the member’s show at the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s Affinity Gallery so I picked up those pieces on Monday.  From there I headed out to Esterhazy take down my show at Jocelyn’s Fine Art Gallery there.  It sounds like lots of people were able to see the work and she sold 3 pieces!  I am very thankful to have met Jocelyn and for the opportunity to show in her gallery!  If you are ever near there do stop in, she has a wonderful gallery!
One last peek:
PaigeMortensen Esterhazy Show 2015

Today I took pieces over to Partridge Centre Special Care Home to hang in a group show (Watermarks & Friends) for the month of September. They have boards along the hallways and ask that the pieces be hung low so people in wheel chairs can see.  A new show goes up monthly so that the residents regularly have new art to view. Visitors are welcome so please stop by and have a look. While you are there have a chat with the residents, it will brighten their day…and yours.
This is my section:

Brightwater Senior Living asked me to come and paint weekly with a group of residents. I am excited for this opportunity to learn and share the world of painting in this new way for me.  We are going to start with exploring these colourful watercolour pencils.
Aren’t the colours wonderful!

I am also going to be painting with the Artists Workshop group this year. I have attended their annual shows for years and feel honoured to be invited to paint with them weekly!  More about that another day.

“Back to School” excitement isn’t just for students, enjoy your fall changes!

Thanks for being here!

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