Category Archives: Online Class

BIG EXCITING NEWS!! My Discover Watercolour Batik online video class is ready

Discover Watercolour Batik!
Learn to create your own richly textured watercolour batiks. It is all about the wax! No watercolour skills required.

For a limited time only use coupon code
BatikLaunch25 for 25% off
(offer expires Dec 31, 2018)


40 videos for you to access anytime anywhere

Join me on an exciting journey where you will learn how to use wax and watercolour to create beautifully textured watercolour batiks.

Watercolour Batik is all about the wax. The way you apply it onto the Ginwashi paper is what will bring your watercolour batik to life. The watercolour is secondary, and no watercolour painting skills are required.


First we will look at the supplies you need to begin your journey!


Then we will play with mark making
…with the wax!


Batik is also about layering so we need to know what will happen when we place one colour on top of another. Here you will find some exercises to help you understand your colours.


Then it will be time to put the wax and watercolour together to create one of a kind pieces that will be perfect to use as cards.


And finally we will put it all together to create a more complex finished piece!


For a limited time only use coupon code
BatikLaunch25 for 25% off
(offer expires Dec 31, 2018)


I’m excited to share your journey!
Join our Facebook page@Watercolour Batik Artists
Instagram use Hashtag: #discoverwatercolourbatik


©Paige Mortensen 36 x 12″ Watercolour Batik


I am excited to share your experiences as you
discover how watercolour batik really is all about the wax!