Curious about my watercolour batik process?
If so please check out the interview, a written description and some time lapse videos below. I hope that watching the process unfold helps your understanding of my watercolour batik process.
I hope to add more detailed videos in the near future. In the meantime, if you are curious to learn more please send me an email from the Contact page and I will try to help.
ArtsQuest Interview
In August, Corinne and Gary of ArtsQuest toured my studio. As it says on their website they are “traveling Canada, building the premier online Canadian arts marketplace.” I really enjoyed getting to know them!
The article they wrote is called “Batik Watercolour Artist Paige Mortensen Irons out the Past” For more about this see my blog post ( Visits my Studio)
While you are on their website check out some other interviews. It is fun to learn about other artists.
Written Demonstrations
For some my blog post (A Glimpse into my Watercolour Batik Process) will be helpful. It has pictures and a description of each step in the process of creating this image:

Under the Bridge Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen 10×20″ $425
Or, if you prefer video, here are a few time lapse videos showing how the layers build on one another until the final darks have been added. The wax is then ironed off and the piece is revealed!
Time Lapse Video Demonstrations
“Stories Inside” Series:
Orange for Courage:
The Red Barn: