Handmade House Show – “Nearby”
A while ago Heike from the Handmade House asked if I would consider having a show of my work in their guest artist space. I was honoured to be asked! Today I get to see my work in their space! You can see my work there in August and September 2016.
Creating a Series

Paige Mortensen Handmade House Show hanging in my “Fireplace Gallery” 2016
Most of the work I do is relatively large however their space is small. So, my challenge has been to create a series of small pieces. Summer in Saskatchewan was my inspiration. These are places and flowers I see on a regular basis. Here they are hanging in what I call my fireplace gallery – a place I hang pieces that I have just finished.
Preparing the Pieces for Hanging
This particular series hung here for a long time. As I walked by I wondered how best to finish them for display. Some days I was going to put them behind glass. Other days I wanted to mount them on canvas. Then came the question of whether the image should go right to the edge or have a boarder. Finally, someone came to see my work and wanted to purchase one so the push was on to get it ready to go. Thanks to her motivation, I got busy and mounted them on canvas…and I’m quite happy with them.

Series for Handmade House 2016 – mounted on canvas
They have been on display at my house for a while and now I’m excited to see them hanging in the Handmade House!

Handmade House Pieces 2016 – ready to go!
Handmade House is at 710 Broadway Avenue and they are open Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Broadway Avenue has experienced a summer of construction however I hear at least that portion of it is open again. If you haven’t been before I’m sure you will enjoy the work of many artists – pottery, fabric art, felting, jewellery, and more! While you are out and about this summer please stop in and have a look!