First, Thank-you. For reading my messages, for coming to my events, for purchasing my art and for being so supportive. I appreciate all of you!

Moose Jaw Pedestrian Bridge 18 x 36″ Watercolour Batik ©Paige Mortensen $850
Artists’ Workshop Exhibition at Hues Art Supply
The Artists’ Workshop Group that I am part of is having a group show at Hues Art Supply – 1818 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon. It will be up for the month of October.
Stop by anytime the store is open and/or come to the reception:
Hues Art Supply – 1818 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon
Saturday, October 13th from 2 – 4 pm
It would be great to see you there!
Brainsport – 616 – 10th Street E., Saskatoon, SK
Did you know they have a gallery in the lobby?
They do, and work from my Stories Inside Series will be there from
October 3 – 31, 2018!

Stories Inside Series ©Paige Mortensen – each is 24 x 18″