Category Archives: Watercolour Batik

What stories could the door tell?

Stories Inside V ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour 12x18" $350

Stories Inside V ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour 12×18″ $350

Stories Inside Series
in the
Royal Gallery at The Centre Mall Saskatoon
until January 8, 2016!  

Doors are invitations to get to know the people behind them.

While in Europe I found the architecture fascinating and was constantly in wonder about the people behind the doors.

  • Who built them?
  • Who lived / lives behind them?
  • What were / are their lives like?
Stories Inside XI ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour 18x24" $700

Stories Inside XI ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour 18×24″ $700

What questions do these pieces raise for you?


P.S.  If you are looking for something small these three 8×8″ pieces are part of VOID Gallery’s Small Works show that is on right now. (312 Avenue B. S. Saskatoon)

Brimming Opening PrairieRose


Getting Things Done

Thanksgiving was on Monday but even with the short week I feel like I am getting things done.  Yes, I have finished some new pieces and yet I have still been able to work on the business side of being an artist.  I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do both!

Last week I talked about venturing off into the unknown and just letting a piece of art evolve as it will.  This was done in that way – no planning or drawing just letting it come together.


Blooming ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10×14″

We are having some incredible fall weather and as you can see the beavers are sure busy along the Saskatchewan river. I wonder if they are coming back for those last beautiful branches.  What a wonderful day it was for a walk!

There was also another fun morning painting with the group of women at the assisted living facility.  They sure enjoyed the bright colours of parrots!

And some time writing, organizing and getting ready to send a gallery exhibition proposal!

My sunflowers are still blooming – in the garden and the house!


Sunflower ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10×14″

There are also lots of wonderful coloured leaves that need raking.  It seems like record numbers of ladybugs too.


Falling Leaves ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik

Isn’t it nice when you have a week where you are “getting things done”?  I hope you have one too!



Knowing and Creating

The link between knowing and creating has been a topic that seems to keep recurring in my work and life lately. What do those words mean and how do they relate to each other and the way I experience my art?

Beauty Behind ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10x14" $225

Beauty Behind ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 10×14″

I know that I chose this subject because it was friendly and familiar.  I was working in a new environment with the Artists’ Workshop painting group and wanted to be working on something comfortable.  Keeping as many variables in the ‘knowing’ category allowed me to put my emotions into the piece creatively.

In the August 2015 Leading Edge newsletter Louise Hall included some painting tips from a workshop with Gerald Brommer.  They included: ” …the four skills or levels in the process of learning to create art – technique, drawing, design and feeling. …  With practise of technique, drawing and design we can do all of this automatically, and then we are free to put our feelings and spirit into our art.”

Then, I came across Laureen Marchand’s Blog post from September 9th.  It was an interview with Lori-Ann Claerhout about Whims and Ideas.  Laureen thinks of whims as being “like good ideas that float by.” She talked about how painting is a series of unconscious whims because, in her words, “I never know where I’m going for sure.”  She goes on to say: “I think that’s how creativity works …[pause]… because you get to the point where you do know, and then you have to change it.  Because, if you just kept doing what you know it would stop being creativity.  It would just become a repeated action.”  Lori-Ann’s interpretation of Laureen’s process was:
“It sounds a lot like you have a knowing…it is your knowing that tells you how to make it work.” 

About the same time my sister asked me if I could create a piece that had been in her mind for a long time.  She did send a line drawing of a tree truck, branch and circles indicating ‘fluffy birds”, mentioned charcoal and said “which somehow remind me of a card Grandma would have sent”.  To most people that wouldn’t have meant anything but we always knew which birthday card came from Grandma.  I pulled out the charcoal and did a quick sketch to see if I was getting her thoughts.


Now to create the watercolour batik version. I didn’t want to loose the rough tree bark created with charcoal so my next ‘whim’ was to try it in on the Ginwashi paper.  I generally work from light to dark but for this piece I started boldly with the charcoal drawing.  I then used the wax to seal the strong, dark areas in but left some of the looser charcoal to blend with the layers of watercolour.


This was a whole new way of working for me.  Having those really dark areas from the beginning gave a totally different frame of reference for the rest of the process. Every step was one of ‘not knowing’ and yet being excited about creating the “card from Grandma” feel.  I really noticed how knowing and creating were linked throughout this process.


Togetherness ©Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik 12 x 36″

My sister hasn’t seen it in person yet but her response to the image was: “OH MY  — I don’t know what to say.  I want to see it in person — but I think it is pretty darn amazing!!!!! ”  

How are you letting your knowing guide your creativity in art or in life?



Le Vieux Couvent

Continuing with our journey from the fall of 2014, a year ago we were staying at Le Vieux Couvent in France on a painting holiday with artist Kathie George.  Le Vieux Couvent hosts painting holidays with various artists bringing groups of about 20 people to paint, tour and be pampered. What a wonderful place to be!

While there we were painting watercolours, since coming home I have done many watercolour batiks inspired by our stay and as I look through our pictures there are so many more memories waiting to be painted that I will be busy for a long time to come.  These were the stairs up to our room:

Stories Inside XV ©Paige Mortensen 24x36" Watercolour Batik

Stories Inside XV ©Paige Mortensen 24×36″ Watercolour Batik

And if you turned around, this was the view back down:

France Le Vieux Couvent Stairs Down

And this was our painting studio – so inviting!

France LeVieux Couvent Studio

In addition to painting, there were day trips.  We saw quaint little villages like Saint Cirq La Popie perched on a steep cliff 100 meters above the Lot River, ancient cave paintings at Perche Merle, Baynac Castle, Rocamadour and more!  We were so well fed we didn’t need to buy anything but the markets were still fantastic.  We wouldn’t see open bags of spices or bowls of olives at any market near where I live!

France Marketplace

In the little towns we visited the doors were fascinating.  This little door knocker looked like a fist all curled up ready to knock.

Stories Inside VIII ©Paige Mortensen 12x18" Watercolour Batik

Stories Inside VIII ©Paige Mortensen 12×18″ Watercolour Batik

So many interesting doors into people’s lives!

Stories Inside VI ©Paige Mortensen 12x18" Watercolour Batik

Stories Inside VI ©Paige Mortensen 12×18″ Watercolour Batik

Stories Inside XI ©Paige Mortensen 18x24" Watercolour Batik

Stories Inside XI ©Paige Mortensen 18×24″ Watercolour Batik

The hospitality was incredible and I know they did a wonderful job of accommodating my allergies.  If you ever have the opportunity to go, please do!  Our final dinner included these cute little hedgehog potatoes!

France Le Vieux Couvent Couvent Meal

I’m thinking this might be the inspiration for one of my next paintings.  It is from Rocamadour, France.

France Rocamadour

I am extremely grateful for this incredible journey.  I hope you to have experiences to treasure and share!



Delivering Watercolours for Members’ Show & Sale

Today was delivery day!  I dropped off my two watercolour pieces at the Affinity Gallery on Broadway Avenue for the Saskatchewan Craft Council 40th Anniversary Members’ Show & Sale July 17 until August 29, 2015.

PaigeMortensen SCC Delivery

Paige Mortensen Stories Inside XIX 18 x 24″ $350

The show includes works by some of the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s founding members and others by emerging artists. Over 50 artists working in fibre, ceramics, photography, wood, metal, glass, and visual art  are included.

As pieces are sold, they will be replaced with new ones so remember to stop by often as the show will be changing over the seven weeks.

I am very excited that my watercolours will be a part of this and I plan to be there to see all the amazing works on Friday, July 17th!

PaigeMortensen-StoriesInsideSeriesXVII Watercolour Batik 24 x 36" $1,100

Paige Mortensen Stories Inside XVII Watercolour Batik 24 x 36″ $1,100

I will also be at the reception on August 7th.  I hope to see you there!


Thanks for your support!




Northern Saskatchewan Fires

Raging forest fires are burning in northern Saskatchewan and at last report about 13,000 people have been evacuated. They have had to leave their homes and the relative quiet of northern living and come to big cities where many of them are living in gymnasiums full of people. Those that have stayed are fighting fires that are dangerously close to the communities. I wish them courage, strength and a safe return to their homes.

We have a cabin about an hour’s drive from the major fires but we didn’t go this weekend because even here in Saskatoon the smoke was thick enough to keep us from doing anything outside. I feel very thankful to have the choice and to be safely here in my own home.

An extra weekend at home meant more time in my studio!  The fireplace is only used as a display case for pieces I have recently finished.  This is what is there today:
Fireplace Display 07-05-2015

Daisies are one of the simple little things in life that make me smile and bring happy thoughts.  They are blooming beautifully right now and some were sitting on my table.  They just had to turn into paintings too.


In the midst of the trauma of fires and being forced from their homes I hope the evacuees can find some simple things that bring a smile to their faces too.

Wishing everyone a safe return home!


Remembering the Mendel in Watercolour

PaigeMortensen Mendel Farewell F-402-15

Mendel Farewell, Paige Mortensen 12×36″ Watercolour $625








As I usually do, I ended my last visit to the Mendel Art Gallery with a stop in the Civic Conservatory to enjoy the flowers.  This was just days before the Gallery closed to prepare for the opening of the Remai Modern in 2016. The Civic Conservatory will remain open as the rest of the building transitions into a Children’s Discovery Museum but for the moment I was looking for something to remind me of all the times I wandered the Mendel galleries.  These were the flowers that drew me in. I took some pictures, came home and made my own watercolour batik memories.

A couple of weeks later the Mendel Art Appreciation Group had its last gathering, a tour of Doug Bentham’s studio south of Sasaktoon.  It was a beautiful day and as with most studio tours I really enjoyed hearing Doug’s stories as he talked to us about his sculptures.






Summer is Here!

Yesterday was the first official day of summer but the robins have been around for quite a while.  This spring they have been a favourite subject for my watercolour batiks.  Here are two of the little ones.


Spring Pause by Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper 8×8″ mounted on canvas $125

PaigeMortensen-Building a Nest

Building a Nest by Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper 8×8″ mounted on canvas $125

Happy Summer!


Dimensions 2015

By the Canal Paige Mortensen Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper 12 x 18"

By the Canal
Paige Mortensen
Watercolour Batik on Ginwashi paper
12 x 18″













As we wandered the narrow streets of Venice, away from the noisy, crowded tourist areas we found this tiny, peaceful spot.   In a city of water, bridges and stone, this felt like a place to pause and enjoy the moment.

The architectural qualities of the old stone and brick are ideal for the watercolour batik process. Working on Ginwashi paper, I alternate layers of wax and watercolour working from the light to dark building the subject as I go. The textures of the finished piece are revealed in the final step when the wax is ironed off.

I am honoured my watercolour batik piece (“By the Canal“) was selected to tour with this amazing collection of Saskatchewan handcrafted works! This Friday (June 19th at 7 pm) is the Gala Reception and Fine Craft Awards ceremony for Dimensions 2015 at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, in Regina, SK.

Dimensions Invitation full page

Dimensions 2015 will be on tour as follows:

Jocelyn’s Fine Art Gallery


Last weekend I delivered pieces to Jocelyn’s Fine Art Gallery in Esterhazy where I am their guest artist for June, July and August 2015.  The gallery is wonderful and I really enjoyed meeting Jocelyn and Sandra!


Thanks to Jocelyn and Sandra the show is up and looks wonderful!  They are also organizing a reception for this coming Saturday (June 6th at 7:30 pm)  It should be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to meeting everyone who attends the event!

Paige Mortensen Poster_web.jpg